[As usual, three weeks lag here, if you aren’t reading this on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/blazeward). If you’d like your news fresher, and the monthly Anti-Stodgy/Redneck Chef newsletter, all I ask is a buck to help keep the lights on around here.]
Ended up starting the next Scour novel after all. 10K in. Starting to think about what will be the next story after that. Brain seems to want to cycle back around to some Action-Adventure, so I’m not sure Chace or Red Branch. (No idea when I’ll pic Gator up again, or where I’ll go with that team.)
There will be a short story out later today. Weekend kinda got away from me. In a good enough way. Saturday, Kung Fu all morning, then drove into Kent to a street fair to see a friend who had a table. Used to be in Kent a lot, but now hardly ever. The world changes.
Sunday, did the usual bacon and eggs, then hydroponics. Then ended up on the phone with the Piper for 2.5 hours, talking about gaming stuff. We’ve moved past D&D 5e and started playing Shadowdark. Combination of 1st ed and 5th ed that plays fast and doesn’t have a lot of bloat. Only problem is that it is currently stripped down to minimal rules. And utterly linear, to the point that every fighter looks exactly like every other fighter, with only weapon and color scheme to identify them.
We came up with some variations to use as House Rules that let folks better flavor their characters, without significantly affecting power curve, which is low and smooth. Probably start testing them out this week with the group. If I ever get back to the other rpg I was working on last year before the world fell apart, I have some interesting new concepts to mine/steal/use, so that’s a benefit.
All the shrub we made a week ago turned out awesome. Took a can of cut pineapple (basically one ring) and shrubbed it. Used a half-gallon of chopped, previously-frozen rhubarb for the other. I didn’t grow up on rhubarb like she did, so it’s not a hankering. Plus, anything in the “add enough sugar to make it palatable” category ain’t for me.
However, shrubbing it flattens the taste out significantly (enough sugar and vinegar) and both the shrub and the candied leftovers have been yummy. Healthy, too. Useful.
And I got to introduce her to Mod Pizza last night. Chain. Functionally Subway sandwiches, but pizza, so fast and easily custom, which she needs with her allergies. Didn’t react last night or this morning, which is excellent. Adding it to the occasional out list for that reason.
Think I mentioned a few times that I’m working with the guys at Written Well (https://writtenwell.com). Been putting things over there (paywall, but a lot of material from three of us who are all professional writers, so I think worth your time if you are an artist. Or want to know how the sausage is made.
Got articles, forums, and details y’all probably find useful. It certainly helps me frame things when I have to explain it. Gotta know its right in my head before opening my mouth.
Similarly, First Tuesdays Indie Publishing in Enumclaw, where I’ve been trying to get a group of folks together to talk books. Been slowly growing, which is good. Hopefully it continues, though summer is often a down time.
Who knows?
I’m here. I’m enjoying myself. That’s most of what matters.
shade and sweet water
West of the Mountains, WA
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