[As usual, three weeks lag here, if you aren’t reading this on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/blazeward). If you’d like your news fresher, and the monthly Anti-Stodgy/Redneck Chef newsletter, all I ask is a buck to help keep the lights on around here.]
Floor’s in, in Tiny Greathall. Last piece was intentionally a jigsaw piece, so that it would lock four others in place when I screwed it down. Got two yards of gravel underneath, so hopefully less trouble with critters, but I’ll also have out bait stations to keep them at bay.
Then I did an inventory of all the leftover wood. More than I’ll need or use, but Tom and Kyle are both interested in removing leftovers. Bought a door in town last week, but the next part involves tiling before I put it in. Will mark everything so I know where tiles will start. Got four different colors and sizes to work with, plus leftovers from the bathroom project last year that are painted. Gonna be pretty.
Wiring is about half done. Got a lot of panels that I can use to make walls, plus on roll of insulation leftover from something. Maybe the pumphouse rebuild several years ago. Still on track for Oct 14.
Paused in the middle of Maddox 2 and wrote a weird excursion inspired partly by ‘The Sentinel’ by Arthur C Clarke, plus 2001 (the novelization) and the original StarGate movie, which isn’t that different at the end of the day. Less horror, maybe. Something. Came in around 15k and sets up a series of novelettes instead of anything longer. Will see what you folks think in a few months when you see it after we finish Holden for a time.
Back to Maddox 2 yesterday. Just over 36k there, on a target of 45-50, so right on track. Setting up the last confrontational bits, then on to resolving them.
Today is going to be fruit. Harvested all the aronia, but left it in the fridge. Gonna make shrub and then juice it. Then look at the grapes on the vine. Then get around to the apples.
Planning to dehydrate apples. And make cider. And harden in. And distill some. Might pick up some pears and make peary and such as well, depending. Got a lot going on, but everything is at least making progress, and that’s all that really matters right now.
Doing research for the next two Red Branch novels. I’ll be going to Author-Nation in November in Vegas, so planning to drop #1 then and the others early next year. First part of the con is for writers, but starting thursday night and all friday it is for readers. Kevin Smith will be giving a talk. There will be panels.
I volunteered to do a panel on research. Getting all those details right, especially for historical fiction. SF lets me make up anything I want. Fantasy is the same way. Action-Thriller, however, is set in our world, and requires accuracy. Especially in Late Tang Dynasty China. Or Early Cold War South America.
You want to engage and entertain your readers. And give the experts the little things that make them nod, instead of hiring ninjas to come after you for stupid mistakes. The latter is way easier to do.
Hopefully, I’ll see a few of you in Vegas at the con. Gonna be fun. And they are setting up next year already, having learned a lot and I’m hopefully going to be able to help out there. Not really interested in turning into Famous Author™, but more sales would be nice. And more fans.
I’m giving a (Ted) Talk on “Breaking Discoverability” and how there are no more gatekeepers. Both good and bad. Gonna be fun.
Not a lot past that. Keep writing. Keep reading. Keep having fun.
Hope you’re doing the same.
shade and sweet water
West of the Mountains, WA
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