(or: how you can help)
You’re consuming this right now on one of my social media outlets (website, Amazon, FB, Goodreads, etc.), so I’ll generally be safe assuming you know me, or got here through a connection who does.
Discoverability is the problem for the modern indie writer. In the old days, you submitted your story to a publisher, eventually finding one who said yes. After that, they took care of everything: editing, printing, marketing, etc. Your book ended up in book stores, or at the pharmacy, or the grocery, or on the rack at the airport. People walking by looking for something would pick it up, toss a coin in their head, and buy it.
Bang, they have discovered you as an author. If they like you, they look for more of your books. They tell their family and bridge club about you. Others find you. They buy your books.
Doesn’t happen like that any more. At least not for indies like me.
I own it all (well, Fabulous Publisher Babe(tm) does, and pats me on the head encouragingly on occasion when I say or do something really stupid, but you get the point).
No advertising budget to pay for space on the shelf at B&N. (What? You thought the book store chain selected what to prominently display? No, they rent that space. End caps, islands, etc. $)
Where does that leave us today? This is where you come in.
I’m in a bundle.
Story Bundle wraps up a set of books and makes them available for one low price for a very limited period. (3 weeks, buy it or regret forever.)
To bundle is an exercise in collective advertising. I put a novel into the Moonscapes Bundle along with a group of other folks. I tell all my friends, fans, and followers. They buy it.
In the process of reading, hopefully they find another writer or three they like (us all being on the same general topic: big science fiction in this instance).
So, our sales have been great. Not earth-shattering, but pretty damned good. Time for the next push.
What you can do for me today is send a link to this article to all your reader friends who might be into getting a bunch of SF novels for a low price. And these are some amazing people I got lucky enough to be included with.
Or you share this on your social media page so all your friends who don’t know me from Adam look at it and wonder what this is all about.
This is a Story Bundle called Moonscapes. And the beginning of the Jessica Keller Chronicles, so they’ll need Queen of the Pirates next.
You can help all of us by doing one tiny thing to advertise. Help me get the word out to more people.
thank you