Just a little while ago, a new Storybundle went live for NaNoWriMo. For those of you who aren’t writers, that stands for National Novel Writing Month, and is a project that comes about every November, where the goal is to write a 40,000 word novel in the month of November.
This year, I got selected to participate, and my Business for Breakfast: Pulp Speed For Professional Writers is included in the bonus materials.
I already write faster than 40k/month, but that’s a recent thing for me. These are muscles you have to train, just like you don’t go out tomorrow and run a marathon on your first attempt. I had to work up to it, and the book is chock full of lessons I learned as I moved to what we call Pulp Speed Two (100,000 words each and every month). I’m set to more than double my writing speed from the beginning of 2018 to the end.
It’s more than speed, too. My book covers health, both physical and mental, because you’ve got to take care of both your mind and body if you want to be able to spend 5-8 hours writing for years and years (and I do).
More importantly (at least to me), there is a section on the modern economics of writing, where we go into the fact that while it might be possible to actually make a decent living writing short fiction, you are much better off going long (read: novels), because the returns are better, and the world more forgiving.
You, the kid (I don’t care if you’re 80 here, as long as you have the desire to become a writer) who always wanted to write a book, this is your opportunity to get a bunch of different books from some amazingly successful authors. There is no single RIGHT way to be successful, nor is there one way to write. What you need is to figure out your way of achieving success and embracing it.
“You are responsible for your own career.”
Kristine Katheryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith have pounded that lesson home for me over the years. You must take charge. I can’t want your success more than you do.
There are tips in this amazing bundle on how to write novels, and do it fast. (Dean’s nuts, by the way, but we love him anyway.) How to take an idea and turn it into a book, and later, into an extended universe series. How to be successful in the new world of Indie, and how to survive the freelance world that comes with it. Even how to write in teams (Rebecca and Kevin). Editing and bundling are also covered in fantastically good detail, so you can find the help you need to move past the end of NaNo.
One of the things they don’t tell you about NaNo is that at the end of the month, most writers have a decent chunk of novel written. Maybe they have finished it. Maybe not. Maybe you will finish it in December. Maybe you’ll be polishing it. But you’ll be writing, and that’s the important part. Take charge, and find your success.
There is something here for every writer, including me. That’s the best part of the exciting new world of Indie: You will be surprised at how friendly and helpful other writers are. They will offer suggestions and answer questions. We’ve all been there, and want to give back to the next generation of writers coming up.
If you are planning to do NaNo this year, I highly recommend you grab this bundle while you can. As with all of them, limited time offer to get so much awesome material, covering so much of your future career with ideas and help.
You don’t have to do it alone, you know. There is a whole world out there, so you should take this opportunity to join us and write that story that has always been at the back of your mind, demanding to be told!
The 2018 NaNoWriMo bundle. Treat yourself, and then go out and write us a spectacular novel.