[As usual, three weeks lag here, if you aren’t reading this on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/blazeward). If you’d like your news fresher, and the monthly Anti-Stodgy/Redneck Chef newsletter, all I ask is a buck to help keep the lights on around here.]
More Weird Monday. Did the “BBQ, Beer, and Brats” thing at Enumclaw Fairgrounds yesterday. Competition barbecue is on Sunday, so we made sure to be there for leftover meat when everyone had done their turn-in. Good stuff. And a good learning experience for the Fabulous Publisher Babe™ who is deep into grilling and also writing it into a new series.
This morning, got a second gallon of paint. First gallon got absorbed by the dry wood. Second will cover everything. And had to stop at Freddy’s and buy new MicroSD cards. BOTH of mine registered failure errors yesterday, one of which was my backup, so I had a total panic until I managed to salvage my main chip. And establishing multiple backups because I’m not sure why the other failed.
Nearly 1030 and only now starting to write. Gonna be a weird and possibly long day. Just sent in my presentation for Author-Nation so that’s official. Got a few other things of crazy this week.
Tiling in the Tiny Greathall™ will be Sunday. Got some friends coming over to learn. Paint will be later today or tomorrow. We’ll build up the hardwood flooring stripe wall at some point after the paint it cured. After grouting the tile, handle molding and trim, then move the bar itself in and hang shelves. Have the countertop of one table, and plans to build the second. Need to get some chairs, but not sure what height yet.
We’ll be ready to soft open in 2 weeks. Gonna be awesome. Got power out there, so might move one of my computers out and write/work there occasionally. Also considering taking some space from either that bay or the one next to it and building a small dojo. Only need about 3-4 tatami floor space, which ain’t much.
Writing: Javier 15 is over 20k. Target 75k, but I’m planning to write 15 and 16 as part of one long story running 150k, with an emotional break in the middle. Not sure the drop schedule. Might go Nov/Dec 2025. Also have three Corsac Fox (two done) for 2025, if all goes well.
And started that new space adventure/exploration short series. #1 is 16k. Hope to keep all of them that tight, because it lets me bang them out pretty quick, send them to all of you for Patreon, then bundle them up for everyone else later, like Holden.
And hoping that October turns out to be a little less stupid than the summer has been. I’m still back to Jan 2023 and coming forward, so I’d like things to improve. For everyone. I’m in reasonable shape. Just exhausted. It’s everyone around me and all they have had to deal with that would be nice to escape.
We’ll get there.
The secret is to keep banging the rocks together.
shade and sweet water
West of the Mountains, WA
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