[As usual, three weeks lag here, if you aren’t reading this on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/blazeward). If you’d like your news fresher, and the monthly Anti-Stodgy/Redneck Chef newsletter, all I ask is a buck to help keep the lights on around here.]

The Anarchist came over yesterday and did a construction consult on the Tiny Greathall. Man was a General Contractor for a long time, before getting a regular job during Covid so he could get laid off and collect unemployment. Except that he was too smart and they kept him. Knows his shit.

Took him five minutes to fix the door latch problem and tweak the frame to hang perfectly. Dude’s magic.

Last week got a lot of trim and molding work done. Painted whiskey shelves and what will turn into a book case for gaming books perhaps this week. Framed both windows. Trim. Need to get to Home Depot and touch table legs so I can build/install both of them, but that might wait until after Author-Nation is done. But I’m really close to moving the bar in. And the fridge. Fix the wiring and install the light fixture. And calling it good enough for now. Little things left that can take all winter to finish.

Kinda excited about all that.

On the writing side, I don’t remember what I told you last week. Finished a Humboldt story. Sets inside the Boston universe, but off to one side because the story is for the Sidekicks Issue of Thrill Ride Magazine. That’s four Boston stories now, and I’m almost a year ahead on TRM stories, which I need because I also have BSQ and that is going to be eight writing deadlines every year. Throw in the need for something short for Patreon, and I’m a busy boy.

After that, I started the fourth Red Branch novel. First one is out this month. Night Strike. Wanted it available for Author-Nation because I’m on an Action-Thriller panel, as well as a historic research panel, and the Red Branch fits the bill. In the Store or Amazon.


Next week, I don’t plan on posting. I’ll be BUSY all week, and largely taking that week off from writing, because I have to put on the Carnival Barker face instead. He’s fun, but exhausting. And I can’t write when I have to be ON all the time, which I will for a week.

Brighter side, at this moment I am over 900,000 words for the year, with seven weeks to go, so I’ll hit a million and change. Planning to write Corsac Fox 7 next. Don’t expect to finish Red Branch before AN, so Corsac will start around Thanksgiving. Then possibly Red Branch 5. Then maybe Science Officer 16.

Then it’s January or later, and I’ll figure that shit out when I get there.

Have a Monday.

shade and sweet water,


West of the Mountains, WA


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