[As usual, three weeks lag here, if you aren’t reading this on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/blazeward). If you’d like your news fresher, and the monthly Anti-Stodgy/Redneck Chef newsletter, all I ask is a buck to help keep the lights on around here.]

Shift to Tuesdays on-going, as I adjust. Had a busy crazy Monday yesterday, so this would have been a Tuesday thing anyway. Xmas eve around here. Monsoons and 50mph winds all night. Kept expecting to lose power, but apparently all the trees got knocked down by the bomb cyclone, so things have generally been stable since.

New Year next week. Close enough, anyway. Lots of new things coming. Most of them are even good. Having a good day. Plans to spend the afternoon with friends tomorrow. Hope you’re doing something fun for the holidays.

You do not have to go put up with terrible people who are bad to you, just because they are family. I don’t even talk to most of my family these days, because they all went crazy and I don’t have to.

You don’t have to, either.

Corsac Fox 7 crossed 80k this week. Still feels like 100-120 until done. Probably a week and a half to get there, but that’s fine. I dropped the hammer on words in December, so I’ll end extra strong.

No idea what’s next. Probably another Laima Ghur story, because I have 3 and promised a 4. Scattered Tribes 2 calling my name. Red Branch 5. Rory the Assassin has a thousand words done or so, but that’s on a reclaimed cell phone and I type with a portable bluetooth keyboard as an experiment.

Been busy all day. And just got home from errands and a walk. Going out to see lights tonight with my sweetie, in the middle of putting homemade cinnamon rolls in the fridge over a second rise so we can bake them in the morning. Probably include her mom’s old recipe next month for folks.


Happy holidays, and that’s really all that matters.

shade and sweet water,


West of the Mountains, WA


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