[As usual, three weeks lag here, if you aren’t reading this on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/blazeward). If you’d like your news fresher, and the monthly Anti-Stodgy/Redneck Chef newsletter, all I ask is a buck to help keep the lights on around here.]
Been writing shorts over the last week. Finished Corsac last week. Since then Brother Jon, a Rory short, and Xenia. You’ll get Xenia in Feb, as the other two are committed to BSQ and TRM.
I had not PLANNED to write a historic vampire superhero story. Kinda worked out that way. Part of the 2000 CE story arc that spins off from Gunderson as of the story Captain Sapphire (Gunderson Case File 010).
Worse, there is an open call for “Vampire as good guy” stories that a friend of mine is currently putting together (and yes, it might be my fault), so I plan to write another short for her for it. That will keep me busy for a few days. Same with another Brother Jon story, just because.
I have the start of a Rory novel. It might be next on my list to write. Dunno. Planning 2025 and trying to bounce around a lot to keep my sanity in the same general bucket, so I’ll write another Xenia and then let the muse distract me.
New year. Moving forward. Finished reading for Thrill Ride Magazine 009. Got BSQ 030 to read. And organize both. Hoping to hand off TRM to Jones, this time next year. We’ll see.
Also gotta look at my trunk and find something for August on the SF side. Rest of the year is mostly filled in at this point. Got things to put out. Just gotta get in motion and do them. And finish a couple of other series, which I have space for now that Corsac Fox has reached the first plateau. You’ll see what I mean in October.
Hope your winter is doing well. Mostly a pro forma here to keep things in motion myself and check in. Going to be a busy year, and I need to focus on certain productivity and publishing goals in order to stay in business for the longest term. Last thing I need is to have to go get a job.
Almost feral these days. But the world doesn’t care about us, so I have to push back.
And write.
Lemme know what your favorite short or medium story is? I might write more in that universe. Always writing. Always producing. This year, hoping to scale a few things back up and generate more titles and more fans.
Gotta get there first.
shade and sweet water,
West of the Mountains, WA
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