Cover Creator from Book Brush

Some of you have heard me talking about a new tool coming to do covers that is easy, fast, and relatively cheap. The folks at Bookbrush have now made the Cover Creator.

You should already be using Bookbrush to do your marketing and advertising images, because is it so easy and useful. However, you can do covers with it now as well. That’s what I’ve been up to since December.

Assassin is just one of my covers. Here’s another:

So how did I do it? That’s the subject of a new Technical Manual I wrote.

The Book Brush Cover Creator Primer

For $1, you can learn how to do these same sorts of covers yourself. Learn about your various brands and how to make your books look professional and not spend much (or any) money on them.

As a writer, you don’t have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a cover any more. Get yourself a subscription to Book Brush. For $99/year, you’ll get Cover Creator as well.

Learn my secrets and theirs and make yourself great covers. And do it for way less money than you used to.

The Book Brush Cover Creator Primer

2 thoughts on “Cover Creator from Book Brush

  1. Mark

    Hi Blaze,
    Paypal takes the order and returns me to the manual’s page on your site. I check the box to agree to PP’s terms.
    The error comes back with “Billing Postcode / Zip is not a valid postcode / ZIP”

    I tried this three times and same error.
    I use this same PP account for other digital purchases without issue.
    I took a screenshot of the error if that helps.

    Kind Regards

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