It’s Summer


y’all remember earlier when I said it was going to go from busy to busier? Maybe not. Anyway, simple note here for everyone.

Things that have come out:

  • Auberon (Jessica 1/Alexandria Station)
  • The Shipwrecked Mermaid (Rick Pine 1)
  • Imposters (Rick Pine 2/sequel to Mermaid)
  • The Story Road (Alexandria Station)

Things still coming (August):

  • Moonshot (Hive)
  • Queen Of The Pirates (Jessica 2)

The house is just about done, and I’ll start moving in next weekend, Good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise. Might even post pics at some point. Got the fridge clean and installed today.

I’m getting married in three weeks. Fabulous Publisher Babe becomes Mrs. Fabulous Publisher Babe. I am one seriously lucky dude.

I’ll be at WorldCon in Spokane, WA in August if anybody wants to buy me a cider and get me to sign a book. (Body parts negotiable.) Queen Of The Pirates will be out just before then.

Gonna take July off entirely from blogging, because frankly, as much as I love you folks, I’ve got too much going on. Stay happy and well-hydrated on my absence.

Shade and sweet water,
