Jessica Keller Starter Library

To help build a little momentum for the coming release of the sixth Jessica Keller novel, The Red Admiral, I am putting up a new Jessica Keller Chronicles Starter Set, featuring the first three books (Auberon, Queen of the Pirates, and Last of the Immortals). This will be a limited-time, special offer to help people maybe just discovering me to grab the first three books so they can catch up to the rest of you.

I highly recommend you tell all your friends, sharing this far and wide, as they can get three full novels for the price of one. And only for a short time. I’ll pull this right back down, sometime in May after The Red Admiral comes out (do you have your pre-order lined up yet?).

The blurb:

Jessica Keller replaces Emmerich Wachturm as The Red Admiral. Her first task: returning home and not only convincing Aquitaine to build her a new fleet, but then to allow her to use it to help the Fribourg Empire.

Their common enemy? An A.I. in control of an entire star empire.

Politics of Republic and Empire must be overcome. Secret missions get plotted. Careers are made.

And lives are lost. 

This is the sixth novel in the series.


And I have been having a ball, and have completed book seven (Lord of Winter). It just went off to first-readers yesterday, and I’m planning to release it in December. There will be some other stories in there as well that I need to write now and release after Lord of Winter comes out. Think of Siren and how it kinda fits into the overall arc. Part of the story, but not part of Jessica’s story, and I didn’t want to add another 50-60,000 words into book Eight to cover this ground.

I’m already hoping that I can finish the damned series off at Nine novels. Eight will be easy. Nine might be so long I end up having to break it into two parts. Dunno. Will burn that bridge when I get there.

But for now, your reminder that The Red Admiral is available for pre-order, and the Jessica Keller Chronicles Starter Set is available as well.