off-schedule post tonight because I got news!
The kickstarter for Corsac Fox #2: Mistaken Identity is LIVE!!!
Uly and Dan and the gang are back. And this time, Uly’s going to convince the Khet to hire him to end piracy in this region. It helps when he’s got Haydar, Ethir, and Piruz as a legal department, because the Khet have raised business to a religion.
They want to deal, but first, Uly has to convince them that Humans are dangerous enough to hire. After all, what’s one little heavy interceptor against pirates?
But Uly has Dan. And Sterling Huff and Drew Roscoe. And a lot of friends who are willing to help.
And when Adrian Sobol’s cousin shows up, everybody things that this ship is Iron Wasp. Lukyan could have warned them about Tuesdays, but nobody was listening.
Move quick to score your copy of Mistaken Identity long before anybody else does. Available in ebook, paper, and hardcopy now, or you have to wait for a while to see what havoc the Lords of the Endless Plains have in store for everyone.