So I don’t normally move a lot of product on Kobo, but my goal in 2019 is to change that. To that end, I’ve been signing up for various promotions on their site.
FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS ONLY: There is a huge sale on Science Fiction going on!
All sorts of stuff for you to read, and you can get it really cheap.
For example: the Science Officer Omnibus #1 is $0.99. Yes, seriously. Trying to build a fan base here, so please tell all your friends all over the place so they can get hooked too.
Sale only lasts until February 18th, 11:59pm EST, so get your butts in motion, people!
Tell everyone, or go buy it yourself and get started on the craziness that pretty much launched the Alexandria Station universe and introduced the galaxy to Suvi, everyone’s favorite goofball AI.