Moonscapes and AbleGamers

Hey, gang.

I’m in a Storybundle that started late last night (had to keep it a secret up until now for all the obvious reasons).

From Dean: “The Moonscapes Bundle, curated by Dean Wesley Smith, was born out of Fiction River: Moonscapes, a volume of his bi-monthly anthology series. He says: “When editing the volume, I got lucky to find eleven great hard-sf stories from eleven top science fiction writers. Over seventy thousand words of fiction. I was and still am very proud of the volume.

“But as the years went on, I wanted to keep the idea of Moonscapes going. Then the chance to do this science fiction bundle came up and working it around Fiction River: Moonscapes just seemed to be a logical idea. Six of the authors in Fiction River: Moonscapes had hard science fiction novels that would fit in this bundle. And three other great sf writers, including Kevin J. Anderson, joined the fun. So nine hard science fiction novels plus the volume of Fiction River: Moonscapes.”

What is a Storybundle?

Ten (10!) sci-fi novels (well 9 and an anthology, but you get the picture) for a single, low price, running for the next three weeks. And then gone forever. Pay what you think is correct ($20 is suggested). and if you pay more than $15, you get all ten. You also get the option to donate a portion of the total price to a charity group Dean picked out, in this case

From their website: We give people with disabilities custom gaming setups including modified controllers and special assistive technology, like devices that let you play with your eyes, so they can have fun with their friends and family. We’re using the power of video games to bring people together, improving quality of life with recreation and rehabilitation.

This is a really special charity, and we get to help them. And I get to be part of a bundle with some amazingly good writers (Dean, Kris, Matt, Kevin J, Ron, Annie, Maggie, and Lisa) and your very own copy of Fiction River: Moonscapes with a bunch more great folks.

My novel is Auberon, book one of the Jessica Keller Chronicles. Originally, we discussed putting in Queen of the Pirates, since so much of the action there takes place on a moon, but wanted to get new folks the opportunity to start fresh, since Jessica is one of my favorite characters.

And here’s the great news: we are less than two weeks from the fifth Jessica book going live.

Flight of the Blackbird drops on June 10th.

What does all this mean?

Memorial Day just passed here in the United States. Traditionally, that is the beginning of summer. Vacation. School break. Camping. Whatever. For one low price you can get a whole bunch of reading material to take with you on your next trip, for those long drives or flights, or for quiet time camped along the side of the river with no internet access for miles.

Wouldn’t some SF be better?

And because this is Storybundle, you can also buy the bundle as a gift for someone as well (Or buy twice and keep one for yourself). Get them hooked on Jessica and the rest of the novels and series available here.

And help a good cause, too.

Thanks for your support and your help. We’re making the world a better place.