Queen Anne’s Revenge

“Supposedly” Amazon has the correct version of the file uploaded now, but I’m still hearing from folks that they have gotten Queen Anne’s Revenge instead of Two Bottles of Wine With the War God.

You can try downloading it again, but that might not work, so feel free to reach out to me and I’ve got a different link you can use to pull the file directly. (You’ll probably hear from Fabulous Publisher Babe(tm).

Thank you again to everyone for your cheerful patience. And I’m glad that everyone has sat down and read Queen Anne’s Revenge straight through and enjoyed it. I had a ball writing those characters, especially Stunt Dude.

Quick reminder for everyone, just to brighten your day:

  • Dec: St. Legier (Jessica Keller #7)
  • Jan: Two Bottles of Wine With the War God (Bedrov)
  • Feb: Queen Anne’s Revenge (CS-405-1)
  • Mar: Packmule (CS-405-2)
  • Apr: Persephone (CS-405-3)
  • May: Winterhome (Jessica Keller #8)
  • Dec:  Book 9 (tentatively: Petron)

June starts the Star Dragon books (Awaken the Star Dragon will be retitled Birth of the Star Dragon for the June drop of Flight Of the Star Dragon (#2), so don’t buy it again, okay?) Just started the fifth Star Dragon novel this morning and that will conclude the first arc with Gareth.

Thanks again. Just thanks. I couldn’t do this without everyone’s help


2 thoughts on “Queen Anne’s Revenge

  1. Robert Mosenfelder

    I liked Queen Anne’s but would like the link to the book I ordered, Two Bottles.

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