[As usual, three weeks lag here, if you aren’t reading this on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/blazeward). If you’d like your news fresher, and the monthly Anti-Stodgy/Redneck Chef newsletter, all I ask is a buck to help keep the lights on around here.]

Monday. Yuck. Overrated.

Been hotter than hell around here for too long. I’ve stayed indoors anyways because of the meds, so not a lot of yardwork done and I’ll have to catch up with that, probably starting this weekend. Can’t be helped.

At least I am almost done with the steroids. Been tapering. Got one pill left to take tomorrow and that’s it. Sleeping pretty well this weekend. Still adjusting.

Hardest part is wondering if I’ve developed a new food allergy. We dropped dairy, eggs, and coffee entirely, just to clear the system. In a couple of months, I’ll add something back and see if I react, then slowly work up to the others.

This is what happened to the Fabulous Publisher Babe™ about a decade ago, when it was dairy, eggs, and nightshades, all at once. She eventually got eggs back, but dairy and nightshades still trigger headaches or migraines, so we have to be careful about what we eat. (The rhubarb bbq recipe is fantastic, by the way. Still got a little left and we made both beef and port ribs this weekend with it.)

We’ll see where it is when we get there. Eating a lot of meat and a little bit of salad at the moment. Holding off on making any other changes until I get off the meds and my system can stabilize better. Sleeping, but that’s down to one pill instead of five.

Writing: I don’t remember what I said last week and am too lazy to look it up. Still banging away on Heather #3. About 15k words as of now. At least four in this series, but probably five. Having fun.

Can’t wait to piss off a few sexist pigs when we get there, because looking at the main cast, almost ALL of the primary characters in #3 are female. And I intend to lean into that, because I have several more recurring characters to come in later, most of whom are women as well.

Somewhere, a punk is screaming that women can’t command starships. I presume because they’re icky or something. I wouldn’t have to write this stuff if everybody accepted sexual equality, but SF fans tend to hit both ends, and there are a lot of reactionary thugs out there right now who got stuck in the 1950s and can’t imagine a future like Star Trek existing.

Rant over, but you get the picture. Heather Lau. Rocket Frog. Kira Zaman. Several folks you will meet and fall in love with. Gonna be an adventure.

REMINDER: The pre-order for Warlord of the Spinward Reaches got nuked by Amazon. If you didn’t get your copy, this is your reminder to go find it.


Knotted Road Press

I’m just about done with edits on Science Officer #14, titled Exile. It will come out in December.

Past that, having a Monday. Hope yours is better.

shade and sweet water


West of the Mountains, WA


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