[As usual, three weeks lag here, if you aren’t reading this on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/blazeward). If you’d like your news fresher, and the monthly Anti-Stodgy/Redneck Chef newsletter, all I ask is a buck to help keep the lights on around here.]
Woke up to drizzle this morning. Weird.
Usually, the summer rainy season is June. June-uary, we call it. Except that this year June was dry.
Usually, dry and hot starts on July 4 and runs to Oct 1. Have had a couple of wet days in the last week.
I’ll take it. We finished undoing the hydroponics yesterday. Everything is now either in the ground or in pots, depending. So rain today means I don’t have to water.
Gonna turn the shed into a combination of things, depending. Might have a friend staying with us for a bit as they arrange a divorce. Won’t likely know until Thu. My buddy the Piper is in the process of selling his old place, and I reclaimed the bar and a few things from his man cave, because he made the bar from wood recovered from my old barn. It is currently in storage, and when the shed finally gets emptied (yet another person storing things there until they move into a newer, bigger flat), the shed might turn into a combination crafting space/bar. Probably need some neon lights at some point, just for verisimilitude.
Dunno. Things I cannot control. Learning to be less of a control freak. Hard work. Hilariously, though, I am STILL the least control freak of the four guys, when you get us together. Fabulous Publisher Babe™ thinks that’s quite funny.
Health slowly recovering. Or rather, healthy, and almost zero endurance. Gotta work on that next, and it will be a slow churn to get there. Patience.
Writing is going well.
I will finish Heather #3 this week, then rotate over and start Red Branch #3. Gonna drop all of them next spring, so a huge block of thriller, all coming out at once, then start back-filling.
Past that, a Monday. Trying to have a normal one. We’ll see where it goes. Hope yours isn’t too painful.
OH, AND: REMINDER: The pre-order for Warlord of the Spinward Reaches got nuked by Amazon. If you didn’t get your copy, this is your reminder to go find it.
shade and sweet water
West of the Mountains, WA
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