[As usual, three weeks lag here, if you aren’t reading this on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/blazeward). If you’d like your news fresher, and the monthly Anti-Stodgy/Redneck Chef newsletter, all I ask is a buck to help keep the lights on around here.]

Monday. Crazy Monday. Instead of heading down to Krain Corner, I had to return a bunch of tables and chairs to the rental place in Fife. We had a big BBQ yesterday. Invited a bunch of folks. Put out a sign marked “Art Colony” both at the bottom of the driveway and out on the corner.

Apparently, I was broadcasting on the right frequency, because a pair of ladies saw the sign at random, and decided to investigate. Functionally crashed the party, then discovered their tribe and stayed to be fed and meet a bunch of people.

Utter success as an event. Kinda awesome overall. Still a lot exhausted and recovering, over and above the last month. That means that I have a reminder in my phone to send out the next episode of Scattered Tribes tonight, because the last week had been “go like hell, they might be catching up…” And this week isn’t much better, in the scope of things. Fortunately, all good and fun, just a LOT of stuff to accomplish. It’s 1030 and usually I start writing around 8. Just catching up. And took several days off, so way behind on writing and won’t catch up with it. Maybe at all this month, because I’m not going to stress about it. Got the rest of the year to sustain something, and I’m ahead of where I thought I’d be when I planned 2024.

Writing proceeds. Currently working on Red Branch #3. 10k words in, having finished Heather #3 last week. Still looking for some folks who want to First Reader Thriller instead of SF, because they are different interest fields and not everyone wants to.

Goal is dropping a BUNCH of Thriller Lite next April. The first Chace collection (stories 1-4), the first Chace Novel, three Red Branch, at least one Gator (with ideas towards a second one), plus something SF. Not sure what the SF is.


Dec: Science Officer 14

Jan: Gunderson 2

Feb: Corsac 5

Mar: Deadeye 2 (with an updated Deadeye 1 “Moscow Gold” going up shortly)

Apr: Gloryhound (Peter Najjar 1)

May: Corsac 6

Not sure past that. Got a lot of stuff in the trunk to drop out and start earning me money. And working to finish Corsac Block One (7), more Science Officer, Heather, and several others. Not enough hours in the day to write all I want to, and I knew that this year would create production problems that would show up next year in random publishing.

Can’t be helped.

Well, it could, but you need to tell all your friends to buy more of my books, so I can afford more employees around here. Get on that, okay? 🙂

More words shortly. Keep things in motion. This week won’t be all that good, so I need to hold whatever momentum I can. And write more stuff in existing series so that it all flows.

Looking forward to Heather leading to Veronika to Kati to I don’t know who, other than we’d be some thirty years after the end of Kosnett. Jessica Keller might be ancient or possibly dead of old age by then, because I’m tracking all sorts of dates in my spreadsheet as we move through time.

Hell, one of these days Jean-Pierre and Autumn, set some 1500 years after Jessica’s time.

Hope your Monday is adequate. As I told more than one person yesterday: “Your Fu is good, but still, mine is better.”


OH, AND: REMINDER: The pre-order for Warlord of the Spinward Reaches got nuked by Amazon. If you didn’t get your copy, this is your reminder to go find it.


Knotted Road Press

shade and sweet water


West of the Mountains, WA


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