CONvergence 2022 schedule

So I am going to Minneapolis in August for the CONvergence convention. Hopefully, I’ll see folks there, but I just found out my schedule, and things are going to be a bit hectic. Fortunately, I’m also going to be in town for a few days ahead of time, so if you want to get together for a meal or coffee, let me know now so I can arrange things. (Move quickly, ya hear?)

This is my first time at this con, but Fabulous Publisher Babe™ is from the Twin Cities, and knows a lot of folks from the con scene, as well as on the ConComm. These people are pros, from all I’ve been told. And all I’ve seen, talking to them.

It was last night during dinner when I nearly swallowed my tongue. 😉

Each panel came as a separate email. Back to back. Fifteen of them in short order.

I’m gonna be busy. Flat out crazy, from dawn to dusk, it seems. And will be introverting in between often, because I’ll have to basically be ON for four days. It will be fun. I will learn lots, share lots, and meet a bunch of folks. I’ll get to see some old friend IRL, as well as IRL some folks who have only been email addresses until now.

So, if you are coming, or are local, check below and see if any of these look like fun.

Fabulous Publisher Babe™ also informs me that her schedule isn’t nearly as hectic, but I made the foolish mistake of saying I’d be fine with a lot of panels. They took me up on it. Usually, being wide open means half as many, and then I will frequently volunteer as a panelist when something comes up. (Someone sick, someone late, utter catastrophe. One OryCon, they realized the day before that they had a panel with nobody on it and sent out a frantic call for anybody to help. I was there.)

Anyway, hope folks feel like making the trip to Minneapolis in a month. Would like to see you all and maybe start putting faces to names. If all this works out, she and I have talked about this becoming our “Home con” since Orycon is skipping 2022 and might be done. (Sad, but nature of things, ya know.)

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Me or her. As noted, we’re coming up a little early to see family, so I’ll be around.



8/11 (Thu)

Indie Publishing 101, scheduled for 8/11/2022 2:00 PM.

Clothing Styles, Textiles, and Politics, scheduled for 8/11/2022 5:00 PM.

Physics of Space Combat, scheduled for 8/11/2022 8:30 PM.

8/12 (Fri)

Going from Short to Long, scheduled for 8/12/2022 11:00 AM.

Rock the Genres, scheduled for 8/12/2022 5:00 PM.

Writing and Publishing Serialized Fiction, scheduled for 8/12/2022 8:30 PM

8/13 (Sat)

How Can SF Franchises Help Suggest Environmental Solutions?, 8/13/2022 9:30 AM.

Microfarming, scheduled for 8/13/2022 11:00 AM.

Enterprising Individuals Live!: Star Trek: First Contact, scheduled for 8/13/2022 2:00 PM.

Things Cyberpunk Got Right, scheduled for 8/13/2022 3:30 PM.

Licensed RPGs, scheduled for 8/13/2022 5:00 PM.

Roleplaying Informing Writing, scheduled for 8/13/2022 8:30 PM.

8/14 (Sun)

Space Traffic, scheduled for 8/14/2022 9:30 AM.

Putting the “Punk” Back in *Punk Genres, scheduled for 8/14/2022 12:30 PM.

Science of Cooking/Baking, scheduled for 8/14/22 3:30 PM.