OryCon wrapup and stuff

I have so many outlets of communication these days that the blog is going to be far less than it used to, but I’ll still share things here that don’t go elsewhere. Let’s face it, I have my Patreon, where every Monday I try to talk about what I’ve been writing, in way more detail than anywhere else. I’m about to ramp up the monthly newsletter to twice-monthly. I moved the Boundary Shock Quarterly announcement newsletter to quarterly so I wasn’t bombarding people, but keeping them up to date (We just dropped issue 008 last month, if you did forget.)

So the blog needed something specific. It goes wider than any of the others, because it feeds my Amazon author page, goodreads, and a few others.

So general stuff.

OryCon 41 (the link already says 42) was fantastic. I got to moderate a panel with Lifetime Guest of Honor CJ Cherryh and Brenda Cooper on “Humanity 1.1” where we talked about the ethics and morals of genetic engineering like good little science fiction writers. Those two ladies were wonderful. I mostly just tried to ask questions to keep the conversation moving, because nobody was there to hear me talk.   🙂

The next panel was with Science Guest of Honor Mika McKinnon. Occupations of the future, but we turned it into “Art in a Post-Scarcity World.” She’s fantastic fun, if you ever get a chance to listen to her talk. And had awesome cosplay going the entire time. Wonderful lady.

Finally, Science Fiction and Politics, with Bob Brown moderating. This was the panel where we stopped at one point and took a vote as to whether fuckery was an acceptably descriptive term. I had a blast.

Outside of that, got to see lots of folks who are con friends. Connected with some new folks as well. Been sending out social media friend requests and notes over the last few days, so all good.

Right now, I’m talking to some folks in the Atlanta area about what single Con I might want to try to make in 2020, down in that neck of the woods, if I could. Got a lot of travel going on next year, so things tend to be a little weird. If any of you know a good SFF con in the southeastern US that I might try, please let me know, or reach out to those folks and ask them to send me some information. Happy to talk writing as a business, and SF as a vocation.

And it’s coming on to winter. Currently defrosting some turkey. We cooked a bird a while back and froze the bones. Then put them in a crockpot and melted them for broth a week ago, but I also got a nice amount of meat off of them at the same time.

Found a focaccia mix that we can both eat. Going to boil down some bone broth with a little coconut milk into a gravy, mix in the turkey, and make me grain-free/egg-free pot pies as an experiment.

What are y’all up to as the weather gets nasty out there?

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