[As usual, two weeks lag here, if you aren’t reading this on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/blazeward). If you’d like your news fresher, and the monthly Anti-Stodgy/Redneck Chef newsletter, all I ask is a buck to help keep the lights on around here.]

Bathroom remodel, week 2. last week, we got the tiles on the floor and the walls painted. Today was tiling the tub. Floor was white 12” square tiles, about a quarter of them painted by hand at that party last summer. Tub is lined with three rows of 3” by 6” wide subway tiles, also about a quarter painted. Same amount of tiles put down, but less work, because we hit a rhythm where I prepped each tile and handed it to her.

You flip it over and do what is apparently called a butterback by using the jagged-edge trowel to smear a lot of mortar on and then groove it so it sticks well. Along the way, I had to commit feng shui by deciding when to insert the painted tiles and then orient them. Results were lovely. I’ll post a lot of pics somewhere in a week. Tomorrow, the tiles dry, and then get grouted on wednesday.

Tomorrow, we assemble the vanity, countertop, and sink, as well as hanging a new medicine cabinet on the wall. At some point, we also have to nail the baseboard molding back onto the wall (thank God for nailguns and compressors).

I can’t remember when I last committed fiction. Have written some newsletters and blog posts, but it might be Friday ten days ago at this point, and I’ve lost a lot of threads. This morning, I had about an hour, so I sat down with what I had written of Marrakesh #4 and tacked a few hundred words onto the back of it. Probably end up writing the rest of that one next, as that gets me almost out a year with completed novels at this moment, without digging out partial series to fill in gaps. I will write a few more Last Stand (Season Two) between now and whenever, but I can’t tell you when they might be written or come out. Marrakesh for the first four months. Air Pirates of Cyrenaica for four after that, presumably with a Corsac Fox or two tucked in there as well.

Had an artist draw five portraits for Corsac One for the kickstarter. Hired her to do a couple more for this one, but they will be stretch goals or bonus prize sorts of things, because delivering BIG art files turned out to be a freaking pain in my ass that I don’t wish to repeat.

Not much past that. Reminder pinged me to write something while I was tiling, so I pushed it out and circled back when I got done. Not going to have a lot of words in June, but major house projects are like that, and I’d rather get it done quicker and circle back to catch up writing.

How’s your Monday going?


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